📍Chum Burgers, Medellín

📍Chum Burgers, Medellín
Burger at Chum Burgers

One of my friends had just flown in so we decided to grab a bite. I was in the middle of that familiar burger craving. My research before leaving didn't offer too many results. I found a bunch of fast food places that offered burgers and some restaurants that called sandwiches burgers. Chum Burgers was a place I found on Google Maps after reaching MedellĂ­n. I asked a couple of people in MedellĂ­n for burger recommendations and a few confirmed Chum Burgers.

Chum Burgers

After a short cab ride, we got to this place in the late afternoon. It was fairly empty with more staff than patrons. Like many places in MedellĂ­n, the place had a little enclosed patio with tables and fully open doors leading to some indoor tables. The menu was in Spanish with English captions.

Aguila Pilsner at Chum Burgers

For beer, I had the Aguila Pilsner. It's a hundred-year Colombian light beer. It's the type of beer you drink instead of water in a warm climate.

This is a fast food-sized and style burger. It's a 3.5oz smash patty with some decent fat content. If I had to guess, 80/20. It comes in a lightly toasted white squishy bun that holds together for the small burger. The avocado brings some creaminess that works well with the crisp bacon. The bacon comes glazed in a jalapeno jam. The jam is sweeter than spicy. Lettuce and tomato to round it out.

You probably don't go looking for a cheeseburger in MedellĂ­n like me but if you did, this would scratch that itch. I wanted to try more burgers as there were a few more places I dug up. Next time!

Chum Burgers · Cra. 45 #5A 37, El Poblado, Medellín, El Poblado, Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia
★★★★★ · Restaurant

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